Meeting 401 Http Status Code when Visting Oozie UI by a browser in a Kerberos environment
Using your browser such as Firefox or Chrome to access your component services in Ambari with Kerberos Authorization may confront the error message above.
Using your browser such as Firefox or Chrome to access your component services in Ambari with Kerberos Authorization may confront the error message above.
In Greek mythology, Kerberos is a creature that is a three-headed dog that guards the gate toward the underworld. In a nutshell, it’s a security guardian.
Back to our network world, Kerberos is a computer network authorization protocol that allows clients and servers to communicate in a secure manner (symmetric key cryptography). It is designed by MIT.
Firstly, you don’t need to read the following post if your Flume upper than 1.5.2. You can complete your configuration file by following official documents.**
Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data.
An Event is a unit of data, and events that carrying payloads flows from source to channel to sink. All above running in a flume agent that runs in a JVM.