Some terms in Big Data Ecosystem


  • DMP(Data Management Platform)
    A platform for collecting and managing data for digital marketing purposes.

  • DSP(Demand-side Platform)
    A platform that allows buyers of online advertising to manage ad exchange and pay to buy some advertising banners according to Real-time bidding.

  • SSP(Supply-side Plateform)
    A platform that allows web publishers or digital media owners to manage their advertising banners and receive money from this platform.

  • MDM(Master Data Management)
    A business method that helps companies or enterprises to integrate, manage, store critical data in a single point of reference.
    These data can provide for other business platforms or business systems(B2B, B2C, CRM, OMS, etc).
    And master data also are useful for marketing decisions and marketing analysis.
    In China, Alibaba announced a business term (“数据中台”) that is based on MDM.
    So, in the next few years, we need to build a digital smart platform to collect all sources of business data that can provide
    information for all kinds of business systems or platforms and bread down obstacles between business systems in companies or enterprises.