
My name is Ninglin(Johnny) Liu.

Over the course of seven years in software engineering, I have attained significant experience coding with a variety of programming languages, working directly with corporate leadership and clients, and steering projects while leading software development teams.

In my previous career, I’m a quick learner but don’t have too much time to learn deeply. So, I jump out of my comfort zone and recharge myself at Carnegie Mellon University to pursue a master's degree. Through CMU, I explored distributed systems, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. In my spare time, I got a solution architect associate certificate.

Outside of programming, I love skateboarding.

Currently, I'm seeking a full-time SDE position in the U.S. Please contact me if you have some open positions. You can check out my LinkedIn, my Tech Blog, and GitHub to get to know more about me.

The style of this page is based Evan You's blog.